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PC Game - World Supremacy

World supremacy, the new "light strategy game of global conquest" of shrapnel games, interesting, but derivative hybrid. It draws out elements of games like Risk, Civilization, and be the heroes and Magic, layer them in a bizarre-looking maps (where Paris is located adjacent to North Dakota), then let players whack away from each other with modern military equipment as long as no one checks the whole shebang. A proposal value ($ 29.95 through, loves to play, but it is very easy to admire the game's ambitions.

Global supremacy is quiet grognard dream of such presumption is careless grognard. Even first-level statistics and information presented may dizzying, just a little experimentation and the game's main subject: a risk like card players with winning the tanks, planes, ships and artillery. Design of this engine of war players to build industrial sites and support their actions with the cities, radar equipment, and various other structures that give bonuses, usually immediately obvious. Although the game comes from a very comprehensive manual, a short preliminary assessment done wonders for players who want to dive in and just blow things.

Though the game's UI and manually do a reasonable job covering the most important concepts that need a few playthroughs to give new players an idea of ​​what to do and when. This was to give a little of this coveted (by developer standards, anyway) is easy to learn but hard to master "dimension, making repeated playthroughs for more satisfying. There is quite a dramatic plateau. Once I beat the pants off AI a few times, there is not much left to learn or experience. Global rule of a game that will have to use another layer of strategy as a technology tree or a unit / Army progress. Very detailed-oriented, mathematically obsessed players will spend more than a few seconds before the look of the unit has decided to mass bomber and destroy opponents by strong numbers.

Battles occur in a simplified lattice, and the deployment of units of the opposition on the extreme left and right. When the battle begins players changed their maneuver units within the apparent distance of their opponent, then attack enemies within range. Each unit has a specific movement and range of weapons, and as a unit can not move and fire the same journey, the struggle quickly becomes a dance, where both sides are trying to seize their opponent in striking distance, so that they can strike first and destroy enemy stacks before they retaliate.

Against human players, the fight boils down to two scenarios. Or long remission that last time, until one, usually out of boredom decided to push recklessly and range of their opponent gets cut into strips, or both did not move their entire battalions slowly, suffering the initial accident, and the reprisals plentiful. While variations of these two topics are, of course, possible, there are few more effective mix of independent units to bring the fight.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest shortcoming in the game was relatively easy to remedy. UI so badly designed that sometimes interrupts or blocks gameplay huge walls of text and cumbersome menus pop up at inopportune times. Text unit descriptions overlapping tips rash essential information, and menus and shortcuts are counter-intuitive. Net result: World supremacy of the ugly beast. Functional but far from sexy.

In short, the global supremacy of a pleasure to play, but sad to see an ugly PROM date "big personality". It's easy, fun and friendly of all the dull appearance, but this strategy if you have claws and are willing to invest in more complex or long-term global struggle of supremacy worth looking at.


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