Portal 2: Slightly Hard
Portal 2 is a great game, but the process of development of the game, it seems that Valve has fixed every complaint - ". Learning to play, noob, even those who should have been settled in that part of society in this way, was diluted with the puzzle aspect of the game to a level where everyone wins.
The best part was the original site, when you had to "become one of the doors" - flying across the room next to the sites of on-the-fly cooking and running a long series of moves, without hesitation, sometimes against a close watch. Portal 2 has none of this. It 's true that the puzzles are interesting, and always for new items, but all alone ... too easy. Part of the problem is that most of the test chambers are only a few points of portals and sites relevant to the way it could be that clear signage or lighting to highlight the right place. portal placement becomes even more complicated trivial to figure out if it is clearly evident in the way (or the only way).
The puzzles are not bad, and remains fresh until the end of the story is an interesting twist in that you get used to the situation. You will not be able to put down a 2-up Portal more time listening to a song over the credits, it's over too soon. If the game was just a story for single player, I'm very disappointed - five or six hours of this story is too little to address the full price. Fortunately, the co-op, it seems that a whole second half of the game with a story and a great deal 'of test chambers interesting - there are at least five or six hours, content, well-polished. Co-op is also some very interesting puzzles that give me a moment, what can you do in the game mechanics.
It may not be such a thing as being too accessible, and Portal 2 is a good example of what happens if you keep the application according to the whims of some testers hard edges drooling. I'm sure the masses happy - I feel sorry for missed opportunities. Where are the level of challenge? The hard way? The cake?
More ... Perform these complaints really counts is the grand scheme of things? Not really. Portal 2 is still a masterpiece. This is more sophisticated than the first adventure, and during this intense shine on all platforms, some selected by Valve. I do not agree with everything, and not to say that Portal 2 is not the content of hardcore gamers, with less than perfect. But this does not mean it is bad or not buy it. Buy It Now and enjoy every moment of the great game that offers a portal 2.
The best part was the original site, when you had to "become one of the doors" - flying across the room next to the sites of on-the-fly cooking and running a long series of moves, without hesitation, sometimes against a close watch. Portal 2 has none of this. It 's true that the puzzles are interesting, and always for new items, but all alone ... too easy. Part of the problem is that most of the test chambers are only a few points of portals and sites relevant to the way it could be that clear signage or lighting to highlight the right place. portal placement becomes even more complicated trivial to figure out if it is clearly evident in the way (or the only way).
The puzzles are not bad, and remains fresh until the end of the story is an interesting twist in that you get used to the situation. You will not be able to put down a 2-up Portal more time listening to a song over the credits, it's over too soon. If the game was just a story for single player, I'm very disappointed - five or six hours of this story is too little to address the full price. Fortunately, the co-op, it seems that a whole second half of the game with a story and a great deal 'of test chambers interesting - there are at least five or six hours, content, well-polished. Co-op is also some very interesting puzzles that give me a moment, what can you do in the game mechanics.
It may not be such a thing as being too accessible, and Portal 2 is a good example of what happens if you keep the application according to the whims of some testers hard edges drooling. I'm sure the masses happy - I feel sorry for missed opportunities. Where are the level of challenge? The hard way? The cake?
More ... Perform these complaints really counts is the grand scheme of things? Not really. Portal 2 is still a masterpiece. This is more sophisticated than the first adventure, and during this intense shine on all platforms, some selected by Valve. I do not agree with everything, and not to say that Portal 2 is not the content of hardcore gamers, with less than perfect. But this does not mean it is bad or not buy it. Buy It Now and enjoy every moment of the great game that offers a portal 2.
Tags: pc game, pc game review, portal 2, Slightly Hard